Category: Tech

Why I Keep My Kids Away from AI (For Now)

As a tech enthusiast and a parent, I often find myself exploring the intersection of technology, parenting, and education. Artificial intelligence, particularly large language models like the now-famous ChatGPT, has been making headlines for its potential in various applications, including education. While I am an ardent supporter of AI, I believe that we should approach […]

Fact or Myth: playing video games while sick is bad for your kids

A couple of days ago I found an interesting post on my country’s subreddit, where people shared the most common childhood myths they remember growing up with. These were things that our parents, grandparents, and uncles, would say to us to discourage certain things. It was a fun read because I was familiar with most […]

September in Review

What I read this month The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals (Oliver Burkeman) Four Thousand Weeks made it to the top of my all-time favorite books. I’ll need to write it it’s own post. Random Interesting Links I made Minecraft in Minecraft with redstone! – […]

AI that expands its features by writing its own source code

When I finished reading David Shapiro’s “Natural Language Cognitive Architecture”, I got very excited with GPT3 because I finally grasped how powerful a LLM (large language AI model) can be. David’s contributions to the OpenAI community and his youtube videos have helped fuel my interest and desire to experiment with things for myself as well. […]

My productivity system in 2022

In this past year, I’ve done significant changes to my whole “productivity system”. These changes were impulsed by two major life changes. One, I abandoned my work life as a freelancer, switching to a full-time position. This greatly reduced my need to track many independent projects and endeavors to explore work opportunities (which I’m very […]

Advent of Code Day 2

Reminder: my challenge is to attempt to solve the problem without writing a single line of code. Ideally, just writing an initial prompt and get the whole code in one go. You can see the full source code (and the respective prompts) in my repository at Part 1 Today I decided to try and […]