Author: nuno

A review of several “free” head-tracking alternatives to use with Flight Simulator

My favorite way to play Flight Simulator(s) is by doing sightseeing, VFR trips. I’m not an airliner person. So Flight Simulator 2020 is perfect because there’s loads of detail and everything looks great!I’m loving the bush trips, and hope more will come soon! The downside of it, especially when using tail draggers, is that its […]

From FOMO to JOMO – an experimental week

I read Christina’s Crook book “The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World” some years back. Since then I did a couple of unplugged days/weekends. More recently I’ve been finding myself too stuck in the never ending loop of checking news(the good ones) and social media (even though I don’t use Facebook, […]