
Hi! I’m Nuno Donato 👋
A chronic developer born and living in Portugal.

I started coding with QBasic when I was 7; since then, it has been part of my life. I’ve made simple apps, complex apps, full-stack development on the web (Laravel ❤), designed databases, developed games, and love to imagine and create small tools. Lately, I’ve been diving more and more into AI/ML and the potentialities that it brings to our future.

I’m currently working as a senior back-end developer at Trippz.

I’m a big GTD evangelist and all-around productivity enthusiast, I even wrote a book on the topic.

This website also hosts my main blog where I post everything from tech and parenting to books and simple living.

The best way to reach out to me is via email, but you can also find me on LinkedIn.